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Pinellas Park Child Counseling

Happy child with big smileContrary to popular belief, children also experience mental and behavioral issues that affect their way of life. These issues can be caused by various factors, from their family life, health to how they are treated in the outside world.

Sometimes, they do get help from their family and friends when things become too much. But there are times wherein they are not so sure what they are feeling, and if they recognize there is something wrong, they don’t want to talk about it. Pressing them to talk can be bad for their health, and they will only clam up. The longer they hold on to these thoughts, the more their behavior changes for the worst.

If you want to find out ways on how your children can get help during these tough times, you can reach out to our Pinellas Park team here at Winning at Home Tampa Bay. We provide free consultations to see what kind of assistance is needed for your child and discuss what treatment will be perfect. We will also provide treatment for the rest of the family so you can provide your little ones the support they need through this time.

Call Winning at Home Tampa Bay at (727) 513-4505 for a Free Consultation!

What is Child Counseling?

Child counseling is when children can speak out to a counselor about what they are feeling without feeling judged. The counselor stands as a third-party, which is not involved personally in the issue, offering a good insight as to why they feel the way they are right now and help them understand how to get through it. Even if your child is not acting strangely, having a counselor on hand can also help them see a different perspective over various topics.

Counseling sessions for children vary depending on their age, development, and situation. Some may include art and play therapy to get children to express what they are feeling. Others may be asked to do reading to see if they can relate to a particular character. Some will combine therapy strategies to see what works well.

When Do I Bring my Child to Child Counseling?

counseling for childrenThere is no specific time as to when you should bring your child to a child counselor. Each child responds differently to stress and other issues, and they do not often display these concerns easily. Adults around these children must be vigilant for any signs that they need to be aware of to indicate if their children need help.

Here are some of the warning signs that you should act upon and get child counseling done for your child:

  • Sudden desire to be alone or not spend time with family and friends
  • A sudden drop in their school grades and overall performance
  • Problems focusing on tasks
  • Often sad, lack energy, and depressed.
  • Too anxious about a lot of things
  • Loss of interest to the things they love to do
  • Easy to get angry and would latch out
  • Withdrawn from the rest of the world

There are other risk factors that you have to consider when it comes to the time you need to bring your children to counseling. However, if they are displaying multiple signs, you do have to reach out to them as early as you can. You should also speak to your partner or spouse regarding the treatment or if the issue that caused your child’s situation is caused by a disagreement between you that they may have witnessed.

What Kind of Treatment Can I Expect for my Child?

If your child needs counseling, professional counselors will check what can be done to help. They will utilize a variety of treatments or therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy. This specific treatment is ideal for 3 to 6-year-old patients, assisting them in improving their outlook in life and their behavior and response to certain issues.

Our trained and compassionate counselors here at Winning at Home Tampa Bay in Pinellas Park, FL can help your child get the right therapy for their situation. We will also be very understanding of your child’s condition and ensure that they will be able to express themselves without problems. We will even sit down with parents and family members to see how you can help out the child during this challenging time.

Let’s Talk Now – Free Consultation

Pinellas Park Child Counseling winning logoHere at Winning at Home Tampa Bay, we are dedicated to providing the emotional and mental support that you need to overcome any obstacle life throws at you. We provide not only child counseling but also couple and family counseling. Our compassionate Pinellas Park counselors will talk you through your struggles and help you find a way to cope with it positively, as well as how you can improve your mental health.

No matter what kind of struggle you are going through, we are here to help. Contact us today, and we will sit down with you to find out how we can help you.

Call Winning at Home Tampa Bay at (727) 513-4505 for a Free Consultation!